
This page lists journals in the field of cultural studies and related fields which might be of interest to cultural studies scholars.

The journals have been selected by the Journal Linkage Committee, based on the following criteria:

– Open Access
– Not-for-profit
– Independent/Run by UPs
– No or low APCs

Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology (ceased publication, archived)
Australian Humanities Review
boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture
Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power
Critical Inquiry
Culturales (in Spanish)
Culture Machine
Culture Unbound
differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
Estudios Sobre Las Culturas Contemporáneas (in Spanish)
JOMEC Journal
Kulttuurintutkimus (in Finnish)
Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture
Moment Dergi /Moment journal
New Formations
New Left Review
Open Cultural Studies
PragMATIZES – Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies
Social Text

If you want your journal to be listed, please send suggestions for consideration to the journal linkage group (