Association for Cultural Studies Membership

As a member of the ACS

  • You get access to the information and communication for cultural studies scholars organized by the Association.
  • You are automatically added onto the ACSMEMBERS mailing list, which is for members only.
  • You can register to the Crossroads Conference for a reduced price.
  • You can participate in the forthcoming meetings for ACS members, usually organized in connection with Crossroads conferences.
  • You can take part in the upcoming elections of the Board and other officials of the Association.

Looking forward to see you as a member of the ACS!

Join now or renew your membership here!
Registration is provided by Finnish external service


The biennial membership fee for calendar years 2025–2026 depends on yearly income:

A. 10 EUR for those whose gross income is under 10 000 EUR (approx. USD 11300) per year.
B. 25 EUR for those whose gross income is under 20 000 EUR (approx. USD 22600) per year.
C. 50 EUR for those with an income over 20 000 EUR (approx. USD 22600) per year.

In addition, from the beginning of 2022, the Board has decided to offer individual members an opportunity to support the work ACS does by the means of sustaining membership, which acts as a donation. Sustaining membership is available in three tiers:

D. 100 EUR, sustaining membership Tier 1.
E. 150 EUR, sustaining membership Tier 2.
F. 200 EUR, sustaining membership Tier 3.

Fill the membership form and pay the fee online. The online payment is handled through a secured connection and can be done by a Visa and Eurocard/Mastercard. You can also pay by bank transfer. Your membership fee payment is processed within a week.

Join now!
Registration is provided by Finnish external service

Privacy policy with regards to membership registration and mailing lists can be found here.

Institutional Membership

The Board meeting of November 2005 decided on a new institutional membership and set the fee to biennial 250 Euros. If your institution wishes to join the ACS, please write a free-formed application addressed to the Board, and send it to the administrative secretary at

ACS mailing lists

In addition to ACS Members-only mailing list, ACS manages a general mailing list to enable the distribution of announcements which might be of interest to scholars in the field of cultural studies and related disciplines, e.g. about conferences, new scientific publications, calls for papers, and other events and activities.

All ACS Members are automatically added to both lists.

If you are not a member, but wish to subscribe to our general mailing list, please contact the administrative secretary at